Princess Tessy of Luxembourg, who is divorcing her husband Prince Louis in London, has been accused by a gossip magazine of being a ‘gold digger’, only marrying into the Luxembourg royal family for her own aggrandisement and financial benefit.
The couple met when Princess Tessy, a ‘commoner’, was serving in the Luxembourg armed forces. They married in 2006, had two children and moved to London. The marriage broke down last year and Princess Tessy began divorce proceedings. A decree nisi was pronounced in February. Unfortunately, the couple have been unable to agree a financial settlement, and Princess Tessy has issued a financial remedies application. The application is being dealt with by Mr Justice MacDonald in the High Court.
Princess Tessy’s lawyers described the article in the gossip magazine as a “disgusting character assassination”, and say that she is “simply seeking a fair and proper settlement.” Prince Louis has denied any involvement in the writing of the article, and his legal team has promised the court to do everything they can to stop such things happening.
Family Law Cafe hope that the couple can yet resolve their differences by agreement. Whilst it may not be possible to prevent the media from making accusations of this nature, agreeing matters out of court is the best way to keep things as private as possible.
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Image of Prince Louis and Tessy Antony by Schnékert (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.